Besides buying all equipment separately, you can also choose to buy one of the handpicked instructor packages! The packages are put together by our experienced team and ensure that you have everything you need for the thing you plan on doing most during your winter season. By picking the package that best fits your interests, an amazing season is guaranteed!
Check out the competitively priced packages below and read more about the product descriptions when clicking on a package. If you have any further questions or are in need of advice to find the package that best suits you, feel free to send us a message :).
As low as €416.00
As low as €372.00
As low as €372.00
As low as €80.00
As low as €120.00
As low as €266.67
From €186.00
To €222.00
From €186.00
To €222.00
As low as €146.00
As low as €106.67
As low as €1,120.00
As low as €316.00
As low as €371.00
As low as €346.00